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Welcome to One Minute History


We are a team of University students who are passionate to tell a tale of History and our goal is to create a diverse and welcoming community


Founding Story

Founding Story



The story dates back to 2015 when Marvin was still a high school student. He was required to complete homework to devote his skill and knowledge to the entire society with full confidence. As he is fond of world history, he decided to share some historical facts with layman’s terms on Instagram. Even though he was once questioned whether this Page could meet the homework’s requirement, he successfully proved himself right when followers enjoyed reading his posts and learning some intriguing historical facts. He desires to share historical knowledge with everyone and even hopes to change the public's perception of history as “boredom” and “uselessness”.


Teamwork Makes the Dream Work


When Marvin was studying at the University of Manchester, he was impressed by the passion of his fellow students on setting up an online platform or an outlet to express their opinions regarding politics, society, religion, and various hobbies. As a result, he became more optimistic to further develop his Page by inviting William Wong as the Co-founder of the Page. They have been collaborating altogether and discussing critical insights before publishing new posts on the Page.

In 2021, Marvin is eager to improve the quality of his posts. He invited Paul Tsang as the Chief Operating Officer and Creative Director, and Claudia Fung as Creative Designer. He truly believes that teamwork and hard work can provide the best content for their followers across the globe. As a result, our Instagram page has been receiving great attention from audiences of all ages, from teenagers to retiring adults. The result is spectacular that we wish to adopt various methods to present narratives ranging from History and International Relations to Cultural and Hong Kong studies in the foreseeable future. We wish everyone to enjoy our history page and have a better understanding of our world as history surrounds our daily lives.


Our Goals and Visions

To change the existing impression of history as being “boring” and “useless.”

To educate the public about history with engaging content

To build a community of historians and history enthusiasts.


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